Diamond ‘gas well’ site still active

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking a permanent solution for the ‘gas well’ at Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD). During an EPA visit to the location on Tuesday, it was found that the site is still emitting gas…

Nine new housing schemes planned for 2019

The government, through the Ministry of Communities, will be developing nine new housing schemes in 2019 based on the delivery of a “community experience”. Three recreational areas, the consolidation of 18 existing areas, installation of…

Gov’t provides aid to Sophia fire victims

The Ministry of Social Protection on Tuesday presented a quantity of relief items to five families, who suffered losses after their Section ‘B’, Sophia apartment was destroyed by fire on Sunday. The presentation was done by Minister Amna…

Golden rewards for Guyana Softball Cup MVPs

In what has become a tradition, Steve’s Jewellery has once again put up pieces of Guyana’s gold for the Most Valuable Players of the various categories at Guyana Softball Cup 8, set for this weekend. The Church Street business…