Sensational Briton John wins 41st Independence Three-Stage Cycle Race


At the end of approximately 169 grueling miles of cycling across two days, three stages, and four administrative regions, Briton John took the crown as the top elite rider at the 41st Independence Three-Stage Cycle Road Race.

His name will certainly now be etched in the annals of Guyana’s cycling as he copped the title with a perfect race, securing 45 points after winning all three stages.

On Sunday, the We Stand United Cyclist and current national champion crossed the finish line with his chest pumped, beaming a smile and hands in the air in recognition of his mission being completed.

Veteran cyclists reliably informed News Room Sport that this was the first time an elite male had won all three stages in the event’s history.

Director of Sport, Steve Ninvalle (far right) and Deputy Chair of the National Sports Commission, Cristy Campbell, along with the top six cyclists from the 41st Independence Three-Stage Cycle Road Race (PHOTO: News Room/Akeem Greene/May 19, 2024)

In Stage One, 40 miles (from Corriverton to New Amsterdam), John clocked one hour, 44 minutes, and 05 seconds. In Stage Two, Berbice Bridge, D’Edward Village to Carifesta Avenue, Georgetown (62 Miles), he had a time of two hours, 22 minutes, and 5.95 seconds.

In the final stage from Linden to Homestretch Avenue (approximately 67 miles), he had a time of two hours, 47 minutes, and 46 seconds.

Speaking to News Room Sport after the final stage, John indicated he was pleased with his performance in this race and for the entire season thus far, as it all contributes to his bigger goal of pushing for Olympic qualification.

He is expected to attend the Pan American Road Cycling Championships from May 20 to 26 in São Paulo, Brazil.

Rounding off the top six in the senior male elite category were Trinidadian Enriques De Camarand (34 points), Cortis Dey (25 points), Joryn Simpson (15 points), Robin Persaud (13 points) and Paul DeNobrega (12 points).

The top six males copped cash prizes from G$160,000 to G$50,000.

Top three females – Loffe Keikis (left), Chyanne Awai (center) and Abigail Jeffrey (PHOTO: News Room/Akeem Greene/May 19, 2024)

Meanwhile, Trinidadian Chyanne Awai mirrored John in the female category with a sweep of her races.

In the female category, Loffe Keikis of Suriname and Guyana’s Abigail Jeffrey finished second and third, receiving G$20,000 and G$15,000, respectively, while Awai received the first prize of G$40,000.

More so, the budding talent of Alexander Leung was the top junior, followed by Sidwell Sandy, while Alex Newton won the juvenile title.

The veteran titles were won by Roy Mangru, Ian Jackson, and Robin Persaud.

Director of Sport Steve Ninvalle applauded the cyclists for an exceptional job and once again challenged the Guyana Cycling Federation to expand the race to other parts of the country, noting Region Two and Region Three as potential new routes.

Alexander Leung was the top junior rider (PHOTO: News Room/Akeem Greene/May 19, 2024)

Ninvalle further revealed that the government would assist John in attending the Pan American Championships.

The Guyana Cycling Federation organised the races in partnership with the National Sports Commission.



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