The Ramdhani siblings, Narayan and Priyanna, once again showcased their immense talent on Monday evening to cart off the Mixed Doubles title when the curtains came down on the Guyana Olympic Association’s (GOA) annual Doubles badminton tournament.
Playing at the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue, the brother/sister partnership was always going to be tough to beat, as they are both ranked the number one male and female players in Guyana.
Their opponents, Jonathon Mangra and Ambika Ramraj, both seasoned national players, tried their best but came up short, as the Ramdhani’s won 21-8, 21-15.
In the Men’s Doubles final, Narayan Ramdhani teamed up with Mangra to outplay the pair of national coach Gokarn Ramdhani and Nicholas Ali 21-14, 21-17.
The top performers will be rewarded at a simple presentation ceremony on Saturday at the GOA office in High Street, Kingston, starting at 13:30h.