Government has had “Enough!” of Deputy Solicitor General’s openly supporting PPP/C- AG


“Enough! Our government could not continue to sustain the Deputy Solicitor General Ms. Pritima Kissoon ‘s unrelenting undermining of its cases” Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs says in response to complaints filed by Deputy Solicitor General, Ms Kissoon with the Public Service Commission (PSC).

Ms. Kissoon has since written to the PSC, lodging complaints including the AG’s delays in granting his approval and signature on a number of cases and decisions and requests adjournments for matters and despite the Honourable Courts adjourning matters to accommodate the AG. She said the AG is being “reprehensible, unbearable and malicious” in asking her to cease all cases on behalf of the AG’s Chambers. According to reports, she is asking the PSC to approve her deferred leave from 2016 and grant approval for her to leave Guyana.

In a facebook post moments ago typed in ‘all caps’, Williams said before he departed from Guyana to meet with the Council of Legal Education Jamaica, he would have asked the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry to inform the PSC of the Chamber’s intention to take disciplinary proceedings against Ms Kissoon and to enquire of the Commission’s procedure.

The AG did not deny these claims but said “having been employed by PPP/C’s Anil Nandlall as DSG and paid over one million dollars and other benefits (per) month, Ms Kissoon has been openly supportive of (Former Attorney General, Anil) Nandlall and the PPP/C even when seated on government ‘s bench.”

He added that in every case involving Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP/C’s “surrogates” where Nandlall is the opposing Council, glaring errors have been made by Ms. Kissoon who sits on the Government’s side.

Kisson was recently blamed for the race-baiting case against Mr. Jagdeo being tossed out of the courts.

However, in a response to Basil, Kissoon outlined that following a Notice of Motion to the Court of Appeal on behalf of Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo seeking to have the appeal filed by The Attorney General on the 18th January, 2016, dismissed and or struck out as an abuse to the process of the Court by Mr. Murseline Bacchus, an Affidavit in Answer was prepared within seven days for the AG’s approval. She said this was sent via various means, to which she received a response “which case” and another email was met with “Miss Kissoon, Please speak.” The DSG also attached the corresponding emails showing that the responses were baseless.

“You have sought to besmirch and vilify my character and impeach my integrity, hoping that your harassment of me in the Office and now in the public domain by the aforesaid publication will cause me to abandon my Office and vacate same” she told Williams in her response.

The sitting AG added that “in cases where the President, Prime Minister and Attorney General were sued, Ms Kissoon deliberately disobeyed instructions by the Attorney General and Solicitor General as to attacking the applications on lack of jurisdiction and have caused the matters to be protracted helping Nandlall to save face.”

In conclusion he said “All MS KISSOON is attempting is to cloud the facts of a situation where there are numerous memoranda issued to her for numerous infractions” and promised to “reveal in greater detail Ms Kissoon’s hatred of the change in government.”

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