Home Education Green Generation Guyana project in full swing; proper waste disposal starting in...

Green Generation Guyana project in full swing; proper waste disposal starting in schools


By Stacy Carmichael-James

The Ministry of Communities today (Wednesday, February 15, 2016) launched the Green Generation Guyana Project at the West Ruimveldt Primary School, which advocates proper waste management at the home, school and community levels in an effort to curb the indiscriminate dumping of garbage.

Public Relations Officer, Danielle Campbell-Lowe said the initiative also promotes the reuse and recycling of waste matter. This project will be taken to primary schools in all ten administrative regions. Campbell-Lowe urged the students to become guardians of their classrooms.

Danielle Campbell-Lowe- Public Relations Officer

Chief Education Officer of the Education Ministry, Marcel Hutson lauded the initiative and pledged the ministry’s continuous support. Hutson said this new project will add to what is already included in the Health and Family Life Curriculum.

Marcel Hutson- Chief Education Officer Ministry of Education

He called on the school’s administration to complete a waste audit to determine the types of waste generated by the school and how this can be better managed. The need for continuous public awareness was underscored since behavioural change is necessary, Hutson pointed out. He noted that societal change as it relates to waste management can be achieved with the capturing of young minds, something the project is envisioned to achieve.

Headteacher of the school, Anika Osbourne admitted that the school indeed has a waste problem but with the donation of 22 small bins and a larger bin for the compound, she is confident that the school can set an example for the wider community. Two bins will be allotted to each classroom and the Ministry of Communities will return to the school to check on the progress.

Anika Osbourne- Headteacher West Ruimveldt Primary

According to the Communities Ministry, the Green Generation Guyana Project is a Public Education Campaign developed out of an awareness that there is an urgent need to sensitize, educate and resocialize children on proper waste disposal habits.

“Growing up at a time when the careless and indiscriminate dumping of garbage is accepted as norm and has become a way of life, it is essential to take corrective measures to curb this dangerous practice beginning with children at the primary school level.”

In July 2016, with the assistance from consultants, Tagman Media Inc. the programme was rolled out to summer camps along the Linden Soesdyke Highway including the Kuru Kuru Training Centre.

Thereafter, the programme targeted children at childcare homes and institutions and community-based organizations.




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