Black Bush Polder man remanded for murdering and burying wife in shallow grave


A Black Bush Polder farmer was today (Monday, April 03, 2017), remanded to the New Amsterdam Prison by Magistrate, Charlyn Artiga, for the murder of his wife.

44-year-old Sunildatt Balack

44-year-old Sunildatt Balack appeared in the Whim Magistrates Court for the murder of 39-year-old Lilwantie Balack of Mibicuri, North Black Bush Polder, Corentyne.

The courtroom was packed with relatives of the deceased, and other persons who were trying to get a glimpse of the suspect.

Balack was not required to plead to the charge when it was read to him.

Murdered; 39-year-old Lilwantie Balack

The court heard that between September 06, 2016 and March 31, 2017, he murdered his wife and buried her several feet away, in a farm behind their home.

According to reports, the entire story came to light after relatives became suspicious of the man’s story on the whereabouts of his wife. It is alleged that he told his children that the woman left for the United States, but relatives there confirmed that she never arrived.

Following a report made to the Whim Police station late last week, Sunildatt was arrested and taken into custody, and later confessed to the crime. He was escorted to the location on Thursday night (March 30, 2017), and showed ranks where he buried his wife’s body.

The following day, Sunildatt was taken back to the location where ranks from the Major Crimes Unit dug and recovered skeletal remains that is believed to be that of the missing woman. However, the bones will be sent to Brazil where a DNA test will be conducted.

Sunildatt will make his next court appearance on May 02, 2017 at the Mibicuri Magistrates Court.

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