Chief Justice (AG) Roxanne George – Wiltshire has ordered that the State not eject the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC) from Red House, Kingston, and for the Centre to remain there until the determination of the case brought by the Centre.
According to Attorney Anil Nandlall, the Chief Justice upheld the submissions made on behalf of the CJRC that there are serious issues to be tried that cannot be determined at the interlocutory stage; and in order to preserve the status quo pending the hearing and determination of these proceedings, the Court granted to the CJRC, the Applicant/ Plaintiff, the two interlocutory Conservatory Orders for which they applied.
The two orders granted by the Chief Justice are:
(i) an interlocutory Conservatory Order preventing and/or restraining the Respondent/Defendants, their servants and/or agents or any other officer of the Government of Guyana or the State of Guyana from ejecting or evicting the Applicant/Plaintiff, its servants and/or agents from the demised property, that is, Area “A” now called Red House, comprising lots 65, 66 and 67 High Street, Kingston, situate in the City of Georgetown, County of Demerara, and more fully described in Lease of Government Land for Educational/Research Purposes, number 3068, or in any manner whatsoever interfering with the Applicant’s/Plaintiff’s occupation and/or possession and/or peaceful and/or quiet enjoyment of the said demised premises until the hearing and determination of this action or until the further Order of this Honourable Court;
(ii) an interlocutory Conservatory Order preventing and/or restraining the Respondents/Defendants, their servants and/or agents or any other officer of the Government of Guyana or the State of Guyana from removing any documents, photographs, artifacts, souvenirs, furniture, fixtures and fittings, appliances and/or any other movable property from the demised premises, that is, Area “A” now called Red House comprising lots 65, 66 and 67 High Street, Kingston, situate in the City of Georgetown, County of Demerara and more fully described in Lease of Government Land for Educational/Research Purposes, number 3068 until the hearing and determination of this action or until the further Order of this Honourable Court.
The Chief Justice further directed the Applicant/ Plaintiff to file its Statement of Claim within twenty-one (21) days and directed the Respondents/Defendants to file their response within twenty-one (21) days thereafter.
The Applicant/ Plaintiff was further directed to file a reply, if necessary, within fourteen (14) days thereafter. The matter was ordered to take its normal course.