Justices Joann Barlow and Navendra Singh along with the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack will be representing Guyana at the upcoming ‘Judges and Prosecutors Conference to be hosted at the Pegasus Hotel on May 2 – 5.
The forum, which will be organised by the Guyana Government in collaboration with the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Commonwealth Secretariat, will see representatives from twenty-five countries participating.
Attorney General Basil Williams told reporters during a press conference Thursday that the event will primarily have workshops aimed at informing the judges and prosecutors from the CFATF Member States about investigative orders, prosecution, and management of money laundering cases, international cooperation, among others.
“The outcomes intended include having a better appreciation on the part of both bench and prosecution of the nature of money laundering offences, terrorist financing and what has been added to this is countering violent extremism,” Williams stated.
The Guyana Government also intends to fete the participants at reception ceremonies at State House and the Umana Yana – expenses which will be covered by the State.
Meanwhile, the Attorney General said the opening ceremony of the Conference will see addresses from Guyana’s Head of State David Granger and Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Right Honourable Patricia Scotland.