ELECTIONS 2020: Major parties reiterate plea for patience


The APNU+AFC Coalition and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) have reiterated their plea for patience and calm as the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) continues the counting of the ballots cast on Monday.

In separate statements on Tuesday, the parties urge that Guyanese remain calm and patient until the official declaration of results.

“We implore all Guyanese, especially our supporters to continue to remain calm and to go about your daily activities in a spirit of peace and optimism. We are cognizant that there will be anxieties for results but we reiterate that we must allow GECOM to do its work and await the official announcement,” the APNU+AFC said.

Meanwhile, the PPP said that only GECOM can declare the official results from the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections.

“The party also believes that Guyanese must remain calm and go about their business in a peaceful manner, as GECOM finalizes the official results via its verification process,” the PPP said.

According to the PPP, GECOM’s verification is being done in the presence of several international and local election observer teams.

The party said it has met with international election observer missions and will remain engaged with stakeholders.

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