3-year-old dies in berserk attack by 15-Y-0 who later tried to kill himself


A second victim has died in Thursday’s berserk attack by a 15-year-old boy in Bat Creek St Monica, Upper Pomeroon River.

Police Headquarters revealed that three-year-old Kissoon Williams succumbed to his injuries at about 17:00h Friday in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Suddie Hospital.

Two more persons remain in a critical condition in the ICU while two others are listed as stable.

The teen was taken into police custody on Friday

The News Room had reported that the suspect attacked 55-year-old Ramdat Singh known as ‘Shami’ with a knife. Singh, a labourer of Aberdeen, Essequibo Coast, was stabbed several times about his body and died at the scene.

The teen suspect then turned his attention to his two sisters, stabbing one several times about the body and the other to her neck.

He subsequently stabbed three children – ages 6, 3 and 1. He fled the scene but turned himself in to the Police on Friday.

Police Headquarters said the teen had a stab wound to the chest and a cut around his neck. When questioned, he admitted that the wounds were self-inflicted in an attempt to kill himself, the Police said.

The teenager claims not to have any recollection of what transpired. He was taken to the Charity Hospital where he was treated for his injuries and sent away.

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1 Comment
  1. Muhammad Rahaman says

    The medical authorities got to carry out detailed and extensive psychiatric evaluation of this kid to rule out mania or if he’s a violent maniac. Then treat him appropriately using state of the art antipsychotics. There’re injections that work up to 3 months per shot to control these behaviors. If not they will have to lock him up in the Suddie madhouse to remove him out of society.

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