The Guyana Olympic Association (GOA), through a statement issued by its president K.A. Juman Yassin, has called for peace to prevail and harmony to envelop Guyana in light of recent events in Berbice.
The GOA head condemned the “violence, robbery, damage to property and the disgrace that has been brought to Guyana as a result of the protests” following the gruesome deaths of teen cousins Isaiah Henry and Joel Henry, and Haresh Singh and Pritipaul Hargobin.
“I encourage protest and the venting of opinions, but the protests in the manner that we have seen were in my humble view not justified. The murders of the two cousins were horrific, barbaric and seem to be one of rage. Unfortunately, the Police were not allowed to do their job of investigating, but rather were impeded from so doing it effectively by the protests and being unable to move freely,” the statement read.
Yassin opined that the protesters were led to believe that the murders were to be laid at the feet of the government, the police would be unable to do a proper investigation, there will be a cover-up and it was an act against a particular section of the population.
The GOA President commended the effort made by Chairperson of the PNC, Volda Lawrence, “who encouraged protests but not with the violence and division of our two major races. I consider the call of President Irfaan Ali for peace and to seek assistance from abroad to be more than appropriate.”
Yassin reiterated the call on behalf of the sport fraternity of Guyana for peace, and to allow the police to conduct their investigations.
“We know now if not already, that there should be a process of healing so that we as Guyanese can live in peace and be an example to the world. Our politicians must not inflame events like these for their agenda. Our politicians should not be allowed to stoke the flames of race, violence and hate and after try to appear as if they were not responsible and call for retractions and peace.”
“We must not have short memories but call those irresponsible politicians out. Let peace prevail, let hate disappear and let harmony envelop Guyana.”
This is a very delicate situation. The embers of racial conflagration is still there.And it takes a bunch of racial minded so called leaders to meet the elements and condone that what they are doing is the correct response to the murders of the Henry youths.Thus igniting racial fire.These backward minded characters should be held responsible for the subsequent murder and gangsterism perpetrated on innocent citizens.