See full statement from the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce below:
The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce hereby addresses certain aspects of statements made by former Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Karen Vansluytman-Corbin, during an interview with a local media house and published on social media.
During the interview, the former Permanent Secretary suggested that she was debarred from removing her personal items from the office. The media outlet also reported that the police were summoned as part of the process to remove Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin from the building.
As is a matter of public record, a number of new appointments to the position of Permanent Secretary were announced on October 8, effective October 9, 2020.
Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin was informed of her reassignment on Friday, October 9, while still at the office. Specifically, Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin was advised of her re-assigned position, job description, and place of work, which is the Sophia Exhibition Centre. On being so advised, Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin indicated to the Minister that she would not vacate the office of Permanent Secretary or accept reassignment.
It is in this context that Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin’s reporting to work on October 12 at the Ministry’s premises on South Road instead of the Sophia Complex must be interpreted. Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin refused to leave the premises, and it was at this time, the police were requested to assist in escorting her therefrom.
It is only after these incidents that Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin requested to see the Minister. On being asked about the intended issues to be discussed with the Minister, Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin then indicated that she wished to remove personal items from the office. Permission to remove personal items under supervision was promptly given, and Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin secured same before exiting the building.
Mrs. Vansluytman-Corbin remains a member of the MinTIC team, and we look forward to a productive working relationship.