Home Crime Little Diamond woman perishes in early morning fire; relatives escape with minor...

Little Diamond woman perishes in early morning fire; relatives escape with minor burns

Undertakers remove the remains of Krystle Chung from the scene

A Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara woman identified as Krystle Chung was burnt alive when her family’s house caught fire early on Thursday.

Chung was burnt beyond recognition. When the flames subdued, her body was found hanging out the right side of the house.

Krystle Chung

Chung lived with her parents and a younger sister; they managed to escape with minor burns about their bodies.

The News Room understands that Chung was trapped in her bedroom and tried escaping through the window. According to a neighbour, a relative tried opening the door but his pants caught on fire, forcing him to abandon his mission to save the young lady.  The neighbour explained that Chung was heard screaming for help.

The burnt remains of the house

It is unclear at this time what may have caused the fire. Firefighters and the Guyana Police Force are on the scene investigating.

Persons jogging Thursday morning said they saw smoke emanating from the house. On inspection, they realized the house was shut tight. The joggers, who live in the area, proceeded to bang on the door and threw stones at the house in an attempt to alert the family.

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