‘Good weekend’ for COVID vaccination, over 86,000 Guyanese now immunized – Health Minister


With Guyanese 18 years or older becoming eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccine from Friday last, Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony on Monday reported that it was a “good weekend” for the country’s vaccination campaign.

The Minister said at the close of Sunday, April 18, 2021, some 86,601 persons were vaccinated against COVID-19 across Guyana.

On Friday last, just over 70,000 had received their vaccine.

In keeping with the expanded vaccination programme, the Ministry of Health conducted vaccination outreaches over the weekend at health centres and pop-up sites across Regions Two, Four, Seven, Eight and Nine.

“We had a good weekend… the response has been very good. We had a number of outreach teams in all regions working to get the vaccine out to various communities,” he said during his daily COVID-19 update on Monday.

Dr. Anthony said the large number of younger people taking the vaccine was evident and encouraging.

“We’ve seen a lot of younger people coming forward to get the vaccine. This is encouraging when you look at the persons who are now becoming sick,” he added.

Guyana is currently administering three vaccines to citizens – the AstraZeneca, the Sinopharm and the Sputnik V.

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony receives his COVID-19 Russian made vaccine

He said although the country is yet to procure enough vaccines for every adult citizen, no one who has taken the first dose of the vaccine should worry about there being enough vaccines since their second shot has already been set aside.

“Our plan has been and continues to be that we are securing vaccines for every single adult in Guyana; and while we secure the vaccine, it is still voluntary so people can decide whether they want it or not.

“… of course we would prefer that people come forward and take their vaccine,” he added.

The vaccination campaign continues at sites across the country.



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