Home Sports Star Sports supports cricket development in Essequibo

Star Sports supports cricket development in Essequibo

Ryan Hercules (left), the Chairman of the Special Development sub-committee for Essequibo’s cricket, receives the equipment from Colin Stuart of the GCB

The Cricket Development Committee (CDC) of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) recently donated a valuable set of coaching equipment to Ryan Hercules, Chairman of the Special Development sub-committee for Essequibo’s cricket.

The equipment were donated by the proprietor of East Cost Demerara business Star Sports and former national player, Sheik Mohamed.

Territorial Development Officer of the GCB, Colin Stuart handed over the coaching equipment to Hercules and in so doing complimented him and his deputy chairman for their high levels of enthusiasm and interest demonstrated to action the work of the newly formed sub-committee responsible for assisting with the development of cricket in Essequibo.

He pointed out that there is clearly much work to be done to improve the standard of cricket across Guyana and that the GCB looks forward to collaborating with all affiliate associations in structuring a sustained approach to the development of cricket.

Stuart went on to remark that the GCB is grateful to Star Sports for its generous donation and feels confident that the coaching equipment will go a far way in enhancing the activities of Essequibo’s coaching and education programme.

Hercules, in accepting the donation, was high in praise of Star Sports, indicating that the donation will assist coaches at the county level in delivering their related tasks.

He commended the CDC of the GCB for the work they are doing and pointed out that by placing a sub-committee arm of the CDC to focus on Essequibo’s cricket development, it gives the assigned individuals the opportunity to narrow their focus on critical development areas required for Essequibo cricket in a timely manner.

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