Businesswoman charged for illegal gun; male friend walks free


A 44-year-old businesswoman was on Tuesday remanded to prison on a charge related to possessing an illegal gun and ammunition.

Arcina Boele called ‘Cena’ of Castello Housing Scheme, Georgetown appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court where she entered a not guilty plea.

Particulars of the charges alleged that on July 16, Boele had a Taurus .32 Revolver along with two matching rounds in her possession when she was not a licensed firearm holder.

The Chief Magistrate remanded Boele to prison until August 11, 2021.

According to reports, on the day in question, a raid was conducted at the Castello Housing Scheme house resulting in the arrest of Boele and a 40-year-old male occupant.

A female rank conducted a search on the businesswoman, who at the time, was wrapped in a towel. During the search a Taurus .32 Revolver bearing serial # QL42412 and made in Brazil was found.

There were two live .32 ammunition in the firearm.


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