More education can convince unvaccinated health workers to take the jab – Dr. Anthony


Some health workers, including nurses and doctors, have not yet taken their COVID-19 vaccines but Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony says that more education can help convince them to take the life-saving vaccines.

Dr Anthony said those health workers who are hesitant to take their vaccines have been limiting the ministry’s capacity to serve people.

But, the Minister emphasised, “We have to protect ourselves and I really do believe that with a little bit more education that the health care workers who are reluctant would understand the importance of getting vaccinated.”

Earlier this week, a number of unvaccinated health workers and people seeking medical attention were reportedly denied entry into the Linden Hospital Complex in Region 10 (Upper Demerara- Berbice).

It was further reported that the staff were informed that they must be vaccinated before they can report for duty.

On Wednesday, scores of individuals protested at the Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge in Linden, after people were denied entry into the Linden Hospital Complex.

Vaccines are not mandatory, but the newly gazetted COVID-19 measures prevent unvaccinated persons from accessing certain facilities and services.

Unvaccinated persons are no longer allowed into ministries and government agencies except by appointment, while those vaccinated are urged to walk with their vaccination cards at all times.

The Health Minister described the need for widespread vaccination as a “public safety matter”.

Without vaccination, workers are required to present a PCR COVID-19 test, which costs about $20,000, every few days. On Wednesday, the Minister said that the Health Ministry would not bear the costs of those required tests.


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