Local call centre aims to employ 1,000 by year-end; mulls expansion across Guyana


Midas BPO, a local company in the Business Processing Outsourcing/ Call centre industry, is aiming to employ some 1,000 Guyanese by year-end and establish other call centres in various regions of Guyana.

This was highlighted on Tuesday by Malcolm Sobers, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The company started operating in Guyana in August 2020, employing 20 people. Now, it has been able to employ more than 300 young Guyanese across its three locations in New Market Street, Georgetown; on Lombard Street, Georgetown; and, Grove on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD).

But, Sobers said that the company is seeking to employ a total of 1,000 individuals before the end of this year. Importantly, too, he related that the company is seeking to expand to other regions across the country.

The company’s New Market Street location

“That’s one of the intents of our business model – to go into the Linden area, over the river (in Region Three), to go to Berbice and Essequibo,” Sobers told reporters on Tuesday at the company’s New Market Street location.

There, he also met with the Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance Dr. Ashni Singh as part of the government’s aim to meet with stakeholders in the BPO sector and determine how the government can support efforts at creating jobs here.

And Sobers agrees.

“Both from an economic perspective as well as from a talent pool, we have a lot of persons who can communicate well, we have a cultural affinity with the US.

“We have (access to) the North America market but companies look for affordable labour that they can outsource their work too and some of our Caribbean neighbours have capitalised and we’re hoping that we can get to 20 or 30,000 employees in this industry,” Sobers said.

L-R: Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh; Chief Executive Officer of GO-Invest, Dr. Peter Ramsaroop; CEO of Midas BPO Inc., Malcolm Sobers (Photo: DPI/ August 24, 2021)

Meanwhile, Minister Singh said that the government recognises that the BPO sector is one that can create thousands of jobs for Guyanese and that it is a sector that the government plans to “promote very aggressively.”

And, he reasoned that ensuring that there is a business-friendly environment is crucial in promoting this sector, and all other productive sectors.

“You have to signal as a Government that you are a business-friendly government, that you are eager to attract investment, that you’re supportive of investors coming into Guyana, and that you will do all that is necessary to ensure that their businesses succeed,” he said.

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