There is a rush to save volumes of police files at the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) as a fire that started next to this office continues to ravage old, wooden police buildings.
The fire has already destroyed the Police Office of Professional Responsibility and is spreading to the office of the DPP. Firefighters are on the scene trying to control the blaze but officers were seen throwing files out of the windows of the upper flat of the DPP’s office.
These files contain information on police cases and matters that are before the courts. It is unclear at this point what caused the fire.
Meanwhile, it was only last month when the Brickdam Police station was destroyed that local authorities lamented the paper-based system of police record-keeping.
Then, the Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn acknowledged that the losses could be “tremendous” since local authorities have a “legacy of paper”.
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