Home Business Housing development aback Cummings Lodge extending to Eccles

Housing development aback Cummings Lodge extending to Eccles


The ongoing housing development aback the Cummings Lodge, Greater Georgetown area is expected to extend all the way to Eccles on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD), according to Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal.

Currently, some 190 houses are being constructed at Block 1767 Cummings Lodge. Already, at least 11 families have moved into their new houses.

Beyond this development, another area in Cummings Lodge is also being cleared for the construction of over 100 elevated two-bedroom housing units later this year.

But Minister Croal said that the housing development in this area will not stop at Cummings Lodge.

“This development is going all the way to Eccles,” Croal told the News Room on Tuesday at the sidelines of an event.

What that means is that the unoccupied lands located aback Cummings Lodge, which extend southwards to the East Bank area, will be cleared and developed into new housing schemes.

And this is being facilitated by the forthcoming construction of the new Ogle to Mandela Avenue road, which will be connected to Eccles subsequently.

Last year, Minister of Public Works  Juan Edghill said that the Government of India has prequalified several companies to build this $10.4 billion Ogle to Eccles road.

A map showing the proposed Ogle to Eccles road

Earlier this year, it was reported that the Ashoka Construction Company, which offered a five per cent discount with its bid, was awarded the tender for this project.

Ashoka Construction Company and two other Indian companies – Afcons and Dineshchandra R. Agrawal Infracon Pvt. Ltd (DRAIPL) – had tendered for the project, which is being financed through a line of credit from the Indian Exim Bank.

In the first phase of the much-needed road project, Croal explained that Aubrey Barker road in South Ruimveldt will be connected to the Cummings Lodge housing area. This will provide residents with an additional travel route- one that allows people to easily travel to the East Bank, instead of travelling through Georgetown.

Because this road link that starts at the Aubrey Baker road is crucial to the ongoing development at Cummings Lodge, Croal said that a number of infrastructural works will be undertaken there this year.



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