Canada-based Guyanese allegedly breaks into house, steals household appliances


A 56-year-old Canada-based Guyanese was on Monday remanded to prison for breaking into a man’s home and stealing several household electronics.

Kurt Savoury, who currently resides at Mango Lane, South Ruimveldt appeared before City Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus.

He denied breaking into the dwelling house of Handel Legion between July 31 and August 5, at Mango Lane, and stealing a vacuum cleaner, electric iron, fan, microwave, and other items totalling $614,000.

Police Prosecutor Sanj Singh told the court that Savoury was arrested in August and led officers to a location where some of the stolen articles were recovered.

However, Savoury was placed on self-bail and was ordered to return to the station, but never did.

Singh further disclosed that on September 15, Savoury was arrested for a robbery under arms allegation which remains a pending matter since the investigation is still going on.

The prosecutor objected to Savoury being released on bail since he poses a flight risk. Savoury, Singh said, was nabbed by police over the weekend since they received a “tip off” that he was about to flee the country.

The unrepresented man asked the court to “hold” his passport and release him on self-bail.

“I will kill myself, remand is not for me, I’m not built for Guyanese prison,” Savoury told the Magistrate.

In the end, the Magistrate upheld the prosecutor’s objection and remanded Savoury to prison until September 26.

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1 Comment
  1. Matthew says

    Oh don’t worry… will find you are built for the Guyanese prison. Your new boyfriends will help you get used to it.

    PS: Don’t do de crime if you cannot do de time.

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