Guyana bids farewell to a ‘reliable, inspirational’ Ambassador Lynch


Four years of progress packed into one evening, Guyana officially bid farewell to United States Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch during a reception at her official residence on Friday night.

Bureaucrats from across the political divide, private sector, diplomatic corps and civil society all came together to celebrate and honour the work of Ambassador Lynch that has fostered closer ties between Guyana and the United States of America.

As the top United States representative in Guyana, Lynch began her tour of duty in Guyana in March 2019, promising to build on existing economic opportunities, and many locals believe she has done just that.

She will remain ambassador for a few more weeks before taking up her new post at U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in Florida.

With the same courage and bravery she has demonstrated over the years, Lynch took to the podium at her farewell, describing her work in Guyana as the greatest honour of her professional life.

It includes her input to resolve the protracted 2020 general elections, leverage Guyana’s new found wealth to attract U.S investment with almost 100 U.S businesses now operating locally -some family owned and investing for the first time overseas – and advancing shared security ambitions.

“I just want to note how incredibly proud I am of our joint success…and both leaders and people of Guyana can clearly see the United States is proud to be your partner and will like to continue to be your partner of choice.

Adventure, Friendship and Success are the names of villages across Guyana and according to Lynch, her more than four years here has been just that for her.

The U.S Ambassador ended her remarks, witnessed by her children and other family members, with a big “thank you” for the support she has received.

President Dr. Irfaan Ali joins the Ambassador Lynch, her husband and staff at the Embassy in a toast

The ultimate salute came from President Dr. Irfaan Ali who returned from Qatar for the momentous occasion.

Lynch held dual portfolios as Ambassador to CARICOM.

To this end, Dr. Ali highlighted her work in the region, inviting a resounding applause from the gathering.

“Ambassador Lynch led brilliantly in an unconventional way as an ambassador. The U.S private sector could not have asked for a more aggressive ambassador for their cause and interest. Ambassador Lynch worked tirelessly to ensure the U.S private sector participated fully in the development that is unfolding and I think you should be congratulated for that,” Dr. Ali posited.

Under her leadership, the American Chamber of Commerce & Industry Guyana (AMCHAM Guyana) was established.

To this end, Dr. Al hailed the ambassador as being results-oriented and results driven.

“So, when it comes to trade and the private sector, [you’ve done] brilliant work. When it comes to security, there has never been this level of coordination and collaboration.”

He added, “You leave a country on the rise. You leave a people in the hopeful arms of prosperity. You leave a government completely devoted to democracy and the rule of law. You leave a Guyana that you will look back in the next eight years and be proud of because what you will see is a strong united One Guyana. Nothing short of that.”

He described the ambassador as a reliable partner who always provided inspiration.

Dr. Ali believes the ambassador’s difference in approach, style and conduct has allowed her to win the trust and friendship of the Guyanese people.

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1 Comment
  1. Don A Gomes says

    We are all privileged to have made your acquaintance Hon.Ambassador Sarah-ann Lynch.
    You mentioned Adventure,Friendship and Success.I would like to add that ” you lead from the front lines”.
    My President did justice in saying that you won our trust and friendship.
    I would like to add that the goodwill of the people of GUYANA will be with you always.
    In my history book,your time with us ….the chapter will be SAL…a chapter in the history of GUYANA to last for many lifetimes.
    Thank you.

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