Home Education Policy coming to address, prevent violence in schools- Manickchand

Policy coming to address, prevent violence in schools- Manickchand


A policy by the Ministry of Education to address the recurring incidents of violence in schools is being finalised, Minister of Education Priya Manickchand has said.

The policy was expected to be introduced for the new school term which commenced on September 4.

However, Manickchand Monday said there was a setback following the sudden death of Education Specialist Olato Sam, who was tasked with spearheading the policy.

“We had begun and we are looking at the completion of a draft policy that Olato Sam was working on,” Manickchand said during an interview with the News Room at the Bishop’s High School in Georgetown.

She said the policy would not only address the immediate issue of violence in schools, but it will also consider options for handling children who display violent tendencies and care for those who face violence.

“It’s a very holistic plan. We are sort of trying to put together…what was presented so far and try to work from there,” she said.

The policy is being drafted through consultations with stakeholders.

In recent months, there have been several incidents of violence in schools involving students, teachers and even parents.

Manickchand has repeatedly said these incidents will not be tolerated.

Some measures to address the issue have included enhanced security at schools and counselling for students.

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