Police investigating how a Berbice woman was shot Sunday morning have found a gun in the ceiling of the room where she lived and her fiancé remains in Police custody.
The couple’s wedding was due to take place this month.
The woman, Ashmin Mahadeo, is in hospital in a critical condition. She was shot shortly after her fiancé visited.
Naresh Mahadeo, Mahadeo’s brother, said they were awakened by the gunshot.
“Like around 7:30 (a.m.) I was sleeping and I heard a loud explosion.
“So then my wife told me like somebody got shot or like somebody got hit down. So then I came out the bed and when I reached by the door I see my sister lying down by the gate and blood coming through her mouth and I rushed to go out,” Naresh related.
He said he ran out on the street in front of the house to see if anyone was running away and a vehicle passed but he saw no one. He said when he initially heard the explosion, he heard Ashmin’s fiancé in the house shouting that somebody shot her but when the rest of the family ran out the fiancé was still in the house.
Naresh said it wasn’t until he ran back in from the street that he saw the fiancé come out of the house.
Naresh said he hurried put his sister in the vehicle and rushed her to the Port Mourant Hospital. However, at the hospital, he said he asked the fiancé if he saw anyone and the fiancé indicated that it happened so fast that he did not see.
The brother said he also inquired about his sister’s cellphone and the fiancé said he did not know where it was and that his cellphone could not be found as well.
According to the brother when they returned home from the hospital, the Police visited and searched the house.
The ceiling had an opening and that is where the Police found the gun.
Ashmin Mahadeo was reportedly shot from the back and she was discovered lying on her face.
Ashmin Mahadeo and her fiancé were expected to have a reception/bridal shower on Sunday.
A source also disclosed that the venue was in fact not booked and when the decorator showed up they were told that the venue was not booked by Mahadeo and her fiancé.
Police had said the fiancé told them that he showed up at the house to take Ashmin to a nail appointment and that they were packing up the vehicle with items.
He said he stepped away to head inside the house and the woman remained by the vehicle and that while he was in the house he heard a loud explosion.
He said when he checked he saw his fiancée lying by the gate and he immediately raised an alarm.
Investigations are continuing.
So the murderer rushed by the fiance and stashed the gun in the attic. This guy was not a mastermind.
I said he went upstairs to get the gun. Actually went to hide it.
The shot woman could not have shot herself and hide that gun in the ceiling.