Massive law revision should be completed before end of first quarter of 2024- Nandlall


Guyana is undergoing a massive law revision process that would see local law books being updated with new pieces of legislation and reflecting amendments made soon, according to Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall SC.

The last consolidation and revision exercise of Guyana’s laws was carried out before the 2012 Revised Edition of the Laws of Guyana.

Since then, the Attorney General said, new pieces of legislation were passed and other pieces of legislation were amended. So the revision exercise would see new Bills and amendments included.

In 2022, a release from the Attorney General’s chambers noted that the law revision exercise would get underway in that year and it would be completed by 2023.

“This exercise should’ve been completed in December of 2023, but unfortunately because of the volume of work, we couldn’t meet that deadline.

“We have contracted a law revision company operating out of Anguilla- the Law Revision Centre of the West Indies. They are conducting the exercise in collaboration with the drafting department of the Ministry of Legal Affairs,” Nandlall said at a recent press conference.

Once the revision is completed, Nandlall said there will be a public launch with the updated hardcopy and softcopy versions of the law books.

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