Shuman resigns as gov’t advisor, forming new Guyanese airline


See below full letter sent to President Dr. Irfaan Ali by Civil Aviation Advisor, Lenox Shuman on January 12: 

Let me first wish you and your family all the best for the season. May it be bright and filled with joy.

I take this opportunity to thank the Government for giving me the opportunity to serve the people of Guyana. It has been an honour.

In relation to the matter at caption, I have noted several clarion calls by Your Excellency, and a corresponding echo from the travelling Guyanese public for the establishment of a Guyanese Airline.

I write to inform you that effective 09 January 2024, I will stand resigned from my post as Aviation Advisor to the Government of Guyana.

This resignation is being effected to facilitate me undertaking establishing a Guyanese Airline – El’Dorado Airlines Inc., and my continued role as Aviation Advisor would put me in a position of conflict of interest.

We anticipate a launch date of 20 August 2024 and look forward to the Government’s support.

I avail myself to assisting the Government in any capacity you see fit for the continued development of Guyana.


  1. Lynden Mona says

    overnight rich ! thats questionable, a number of decades past and the Guyana government couldn’t purchase an airline belonging to the state . Shuman has to produce evidence of finanacial assets obtaining a national airline , with or without collaboration.

  2. habeeb says

    Many have tried and failed establishing a Guyanese Airline, besides the original Guyana Airways.
    Now, there are too many fishes in the sea where the OIL attracts, yes, that oil, not the welfare of Guyanese
    However, nothing wrong trying to have a Guyanese established Airline- 7 months from now.
    Warning: Don’t do like the others moving human and drug cargo- to the USA- a downfall.

  3. Don A Gomes says

    awesome .

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