Queensway Group CEO distances self from ‘oil spill’ vessel in T&T


See below full statement by Mr. Mohamed Qualander – CEO of Queensway Group Inc.

Mohamed Qualander – CEO of Queensway Group Inc.

I note with great concern a Facebook post under the page name of “The Real PPP” which made the claim that a vessel carrying fuel that capsized off the coast of Trinidad & Tobago belongs to Mohamed Qualander aka Arafat.

I wish to state that I have never owned any fuel boat and I have never been involved in the trading of fuel in Guyana or anywhere else in the world and that I have absolutely no knowledge of or relationship with the vessel mentioned in the Facebook post.

As a result of this post, I have received calls from friends, family members and business partners, both local and international who have expressed concern and dismay at the article and its insinuations.

The Facebook post has been reported to the Cyber Crimes unit of the Guyana Police Force.

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