Home Business Flooding affecting livestock, families at Plantation Profit

Flooding affecting livestock, families at Plantation Profit

The flooding has resulted in major losses, damaging household items and affecting livestock.

Some residents of Plantation Profit, West Coast Berbice woke up on Wednesday to find their yards and homes flooded after a prolonged period of rainfall. Poor drainage has not been helpful in providing early relief and the residents are now seeking urgent help and intervention as the rainy season persists.

The flooding has resulted in major losses, damaging household items and affecting livestock.

Speaking with the News Room on Thursday, Sandra and Kincye Scott explained that this is not the first time they have been affected by flooding, particularly as a consequence of poor drainage.

The flooding has resulted in major losses, damaging household items and affecting livestock.

She said that during these periods, the children in the community are forced to wade through the water to get to school; others are prevented altogether from attending.

The Scotts said no drains existed around their homes although the area was long regularized. Two other residents, Samuel and McClennon Adams also shared their dilemma.

“Water kill some ah me pigs them and farming is affected severely,” McClennon said.

They stressed that while there is a drain, work is needed to ensure it is dug deeper and widened.

The residents are hopeful for a solution in the shortest possible time in anticipation of a prolonged rainy season. If not, they fear more losses of livestock and the rise of waterborne diseases and infections.





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