Several cities across the country are gearing up to elect their new mayors and deputy mayors or re-elect the current ones.
Eight of the nine municipalities have already submitted their dates for internal elections with the Corriverton Mayor and Town Council leading to way.
The elections at Corriverton were held on November 24 and resulted in a tie between current Mayor, Ganesh Gangadin and Deputy Mayor, Krishnand Jaichand.
That tie is expected to be challenged at new elections which is scheduled for Friday, December 2, 2016.
Internal elections at the Municipality of Anna Regina were held on November 29 with Mayor, Rabindranauth Mohan and Deputy Mayor Darshan Persaud being reelected to their substantive positions.
Mohan reported that the elections came off as planned without any major hiccups.
The Lethem Municipality is scheduled to hold it elections on December 1, followed by Rose Hall on December 7 and Linden on December 8.
According to Lethem’s Town Clerk, Keisha Vincent all plans are in train and moving apace for tomorrow’s elections.
The Municipalities ofNew Amsterdam and Mabaruma have scheduled elections on December 14 with Bartica Mayor and Town Council announcing its elections for December 15. All elections are expected to be completed by December 16, 2016, as stipulated by law.
The annual internal elections are for the purposes of electing the mayor and deputy mayor of the various municipalities and is in keeping with Chapter 28:01 of the Municipal and District Council Act.
So far, eight of the nine municipalities have also submitted their approved budgets to the Ministry of Communities.
Work programmes which are applicable for the year 2017 were expected to be submitted to the ministry by November 15 for purposes of notification.
The work programmes are also to be prominently displayed by the councils for members of the public to peruse.