$1.6B for building of duplexes, town houses & condominiums to satisfy housing needs –Valerie Patterson
The Ministry of Communities, Department of Housing has a backlog of some twenty-five thousand applications for house lots, but availability of land seems to be a big issue, however, Minister within the Ministry of Communities with responsibility for Housing, Valerie Patterson told media operatives today (Tuesday January 10, 2017) that duplexes, town houses and condominiums would be constructed to satisfy the need for affordable housing.
With an expression of interest already published, Minister Patterson anticipates that this process, which will take the form of an exhibition initially, would begin in April.
Some 1.6 billion dollars have been allocated for new infrastructural development and to facilitate the housing pilot for the construction of the structures.
Areas earmarked for these housing structures include Great and Little Diamond and Perseverance on the East Bank of Demerara, Cummings Lodge on the East Coast and a section of East La Penitence in Georgetown, among many others in all regions except regions 1 and 9, where the Hinterland Housing Project would be undertaken.
Region 8, Minister Patterson said is posing a challenge for the CH&PA since the area initially identified could not be used because it is more suitable for mining. In addition she noted that the structure of the land poses other challenges and may result in construction having to take place further away from the primary housing area in that region.
The designs for the structures have also been completed and the minister informed that some 13 million dollars would be allocated for the hosting of the exhibition at Perseverance where the duplexes, town houses and condominiums would be on display and sale.
This exhibition would give the public the opportunity to interact with officials as well.
According to the Housing Department’s report, the range of housing solutions will target low-moderate-middle income groups, young professionals, singles, etc. in keeping with the thrust of the APNU + AFC Manifesto.
Developers will be assigned to lots in the area on which they will construct the houses, which they will be allowed to sell, after the exhibition, to eligible persons on the CHPA waiting list and prequalified for mortgages by the commercial banks.
“Developers who participate will also be given the opportunity to show case their building systems, methodology for construction and other features of home construction. Suppliers of building materials will also be invited to participate. The public will be free to interact with the developers, financial institutions, insurance companies, home improvement companies.”
A survey will be done to inform Government of the nation’s preference. Persons with house lots who are desirous of building can engage a Developer to build for them, the Minister said.