Home Features Maha Shivratri Emphasizes oneness of God and Humanity- GHDS

Maha Shivratri Emphasizes oneness of God and Humanity- GHDS


Press Release from the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha

The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha extends Maha Shivratri greetings on this auspicious day consecrated for the worship of the great God, Mahadev. MahaShivratri is observed every year on Chaturdasi in the dark half of the Hindu month of Phalgun and is considered one of the most sacred days to worship Bhagwan Shiva.

He is considered the destructive aspect of the Trimurti, obliterating all that is obsolete and negative to provide a platform for regeneration and the emergence of positivity. The powerful “Panchakshara“ mantra is chanted by devotees as they observe vrat (fasting), tapasya (penance) and attend their mandirs. Shiva who is truth, existence and beauty (Satyam. Shivam, Sundararm) will be propitiated and Puja done to Him in varying ways.

Shiva  Ratri emphasizes oneness not only of God but also of humanity as whole.  AKHANDA KIRTAN or unbroken recital of OM NAMAH SHIVAYA influences the unfolding of spiritual energy, calms the individual and composes the seeker for contemplation and absorption in the realm of Shiva’s eternal grace.

Shiva literally means auspicious.  Maha Shiva Ratri is probably the deepest spiritual occasion on the Hindu calendar.  Maha Shiva Ratri according to the Maha Shiva Puran was decreed by Lord Shiva himself.  Maha Shiva Ratri is seen as a day for divesting all negative tendencies and worshipping Shiva for the removal of all hindrance to a blissful life, so new horizons of hope and expectation can enter thereby constructing an objective atmosphere for the pursuance of life’s goals leading ultimately to a blissful state.

President of Guyana Hindu DharmicSabha, Dr. Vindhya VasiniPersaud encourages all Hindus to observe this day in a highly spiritual manner and to attend their mandirs across the country. She seized the opportunity to state that Shiva is the only deity in the Hindu legacy who is adored both as personal and impersonal.  Shiva is therefore the infinite God who can be aptly described as omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.  The prescription to worship Shiva takes into account the many dimensions which He reflects.

Special satsangh will be held at Dharmic Rama Krishna Mandir, Barr street, Kitty at 18:00 hrs. and Shri Krishna Mandir, Seaforth street at 19:00 hrs. All are invited.




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