Where is Central Gov’t? – Intervention needed at City Hall says Eon Andrews


By Stacy Carmichael-James


As the movement against parking meters in the capital city continues and public outcry becomes louder, President of the Guyana Market Vendors Union (GMVU) and the United Minibus Union (UMU) Eon Andrews is concerned that Central Government is taking too long to intervene in the matter that has been dubbed controversial from the onset.

Eon Andrews- GMVU President

Andrews speaking during an exclusive interview with News Room said while the autonomy of the Mayor and Councillors and the local government process must be respected, when irregularities like the glaring ones surrounding the Parking Meter Contract become a matter of public concern, then Central Government should not restrain itself.

He noted too that General Secretary of the People’s National Congress (PNC) Oscar Clarke, who is also the Chairman of the M&CC’s Finance Committee, as an experienced politician, should have guided the others.

Andrews believes that the Government may have been caught off guard since in his opinion the “powers that be” ought to be aware that a project such as this does not augur well for the development of Guyana.

He noted that Central Government in its efforts to give the council autonomy to perform its duties and garner funds may have awarded too much latitude. He is contending that organizations within the framework of governance must not have total autonomy.

According to Andrews Government does not need this sort of disruption in the Capital City, reasoning that it will ultimately affect the Government.

He reiterated his non-support for the project due to the lack of transparency and accountability on the part of the M&CC, however, the GMVU president agrees that there should be a mechanism of controlled parking, following a feasibility study, consultations and a detailed plan.

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