Prosecutors urged to enhance knowledge on white-collar crimes


State Prosecutors are being urged to enhance their knowledge to institute legal proceedings against white-collar criminals as they undergo a three-day training on trial advocacy, which is an area designated to making attorneys and other advocates more effective in trial proceedings.

Addressing those undergoing the training, Attorney General, Basil Williams noted that over the years, the focus has been on fighting traditional crimes, but as the world evolves, more needs to be done to prosecute corruption cases, fraud, bribery and other financial crimes.

“We have a problem with convictions right now with money laundering, and other specialized aspects, financial crimes,” the Attorney General said, adding that “our State Prosecutors must recognise that this is a timely intervention, not that they are losing these cases; they just need the training, they must understand the elements of a money launder offences and distinguish it from a narcotics offence.”

He said given the reliance on information and communication technology, Prosecutors must also be prepared to handle cyber-crimes. He said that the Cyber Crime Bill was completed and will be laid in the National Assembly soon.

The workshop, which is being held at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown aims to improve justice reform.

Chief Justice, Roxanne George Wiltshire, in her remarks, emphasized that effective prosecution is also a human rights issue. She pointed out that prosecution “speaks to the rights of victims, survivors and the rights of the accused and you know how important your role is as Ministers of justice and as prosecutors.”

The training is being held by the Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers with funding under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative Justice Sector Assistance Programme.

It is being conducted by a five-member team from The National Centre for State Courts (NCSC).

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