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Independence Day messages


US Secretary of State’s Independence Message

On behalf of President Trump and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on 52 years of independence on May 26.

Today, we celebrate our strong connections.  We look forward to advancing prosperity by helping Guyana develop its emerging oil sector in partnership with U.S. business.  We underscore our commitment to partnership via the Caribbean 2020 strategy.

We wish the people of Guyana, from the Corentyne to the Pakaraimas, from the Takutu to the Amakura, and across the entire “Land of Many Waters,” a happy Independence Day celebration with peace and prosperity throughout the year to come.


On the occasion of our nation’s 52nd  Independence anniversary, the People’ s Progressive Party (PPP) extends warmest greetings to all Guyanese, both at home and in the Diaspora.

Our attainment of Independence resulted from a hard-fought process, evidenced in sustained struggles, during which selfless sacrifices were made.

It was a moment of tremendous joy and pride for all Guyanese when the shackles of colonialism were cast off.  As the Golden Arrowhead was first hoisted 52 years ago, not only did it mark the end of one era and the beginning of another, but it heralded the rise to self-governance and a renewed sense of hope and expectations for the future.

Since Independence, our country has faced many challenges. The continued struggles for democracy, its return and preservation, by the PPP also bolstered the conditions that supported unprecedented progress and prosperity for all our people. Guyanese remained resolutely committed to nation building and the PPP recognizes and salutes their valuable efforts.

As we observe another anniversary of our Independence, our Party urges reflection on the valiant efforts, which made past successes possible. Looking ahead, our Party urges all Guyanese to remain motivated by a strong sense of patriotism, as well as steadfast and hopeful in the face of current challenges.

This year also marks the 100th birth anniversary of our Party’s Founder and its indomitable Leader, the late Dr. CheddiJagan. As we reflect on the virtues of Independence and the freedom from colonialism, it offers another opportune moment to be inspired by his invaluable contributions through his relentless and unselfish struggles to free our nation.

Happy Independence to all Guyanese!


The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) salutes all Guyanese, both at home and abroad, as we celebrate our 52nd Anniversary as an independent nation.

The political stewardship provided by the Coalition Government over the last three years have opened new avenues for the forging of a new democratic culture so necessary for the achievement of real independence and social progress in our country.

Our Party is confident that if as a nation we can build a truly, inclusive political culture in which all stakeholders are allowed to play a meaningful role and which can create an enabling environment for the orderly development of the nation, we can look forward to a future that is politically successful, economically self-sustaining and culturally rewarding.

As we celebrate this 52nd anniversary of Independence, the PNCR pledge to work with all responsible and reliable forces whose aim is to forge social cohesion and national unity. We believe that working together we can ameliorate the many known problems, which have bedeviled our country and stymied our development.

The PNCR is proud of our record in government and the important role that our Party and our Founder Leader, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham played in our country’s struggle for independence.

Happy 52nd Independence, Guyana!


The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) is indeed especially pleased to join and extend best wishes as our country celebrates another milestone as an independent state. We need to recall, at this time, that there was near absolute consensus amongst our then leaders that we needed to shed the Constitutional and other chains with which we were then wrapped.Independence brought us and we joyfully welcomed our new status as citizens of Guyana, no longer colonial subjects tied to a “mother” country. It also brought heavy responsibilities to safeguard and deepen our newly won freedom and to ensure a prosperous future for our citizens. The onus was now ours to chart our own course and it was recognized that our freedom could not be delinked from the need for economic independence, social justice, and democratic institutions and norms. Those objectives had to be our guide as a people. They had to be realised and sustained.

GAWU feels certain that the attainment of Independence, which we fought for, motivated the social and economic progress of our country and was a decisive turning point for our all-round development. There are successes in several fields nationally while, at the regional and international level our country has earned recognition and respect in spite of certain deficits experienced in governance. Our democratic culture which resurfaced over twenty (20) years ago, still, today again faces new challenges. Notwithstanding, the trials and setbacks the nation experienced and, most likely will face, we cannot deny the very many significant achievements as we steadily overcame the negative legacy of colonialism.

The GAWU is aware that several key objectives are yet to be reached. One of these is our economic sovereignty which we see as crucial to safeguard our political independence especially in the context and circumstances that we see unfolding in today’s world.

The prospects for our country to grow and develop, despite, current setbacks, remain encouraging and we need to tackle the various tasks before us in a collective and united spirit. In this respect, our people, especially our working people needs to be encouraged and become involved in the decision-making levels of our society.

As we celebrate this historic anniversary, GAWU urges that we all recognize that we have a responsibility to let our democratic culture prevail. It is one of the strong strands that binds our nation and makes it united and free. Additionally, we share the belief that our independence will be secured and strengthened over time when every citizen is given to enjoy the fruits, benefits and opportunities of our collective efforts and work.

It is unfortunate to observe that our 52nd Independence Anniversary finds us as a nation poised with further declining economic fortunes with the sugar industry being an example of this reality. While this has certainly cast a pall over the nation, we must, nevertheless, life high the banner of freedom and celebrate our Independence.

Happy Independence Anniversary to all Guyanese!


The Indian Action Committee (IAC) wishes to convey greetings to all Guyanese citizens, on the occasion of the Independence of Guyana from British colonial rule on 26th May 1966, fifty twoyears ago.

The IAC calls upon all Guyanese citizens to remember and recognize all those persons who contributed to the ending of British colonial rule in Guyana including former Presidents Cheddi Jagan, Forbes Burnham and Janet Jagan, and stalwarts of the struggle for national liberation like Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, Jocelyn Hubbard, Joseph Pollydore, Ramkarran, Ashton Chase SC, Jainarine Singh, E.M.G. Wilson, Cedric Vernon  Nunes, Martin Carter, Rory Westmaas, Eusi Kwayana, Brindley Benn, Moses Bhagwan and Reepu Daman Persaud.

The IAC, in recognition of the challenging history of Guyana during the past fifty twoyears dominated by authoritarian rule (1968-1992) and, especially the period from 1962 to 1964 when there was a state of undeclared civil war which resulted in:

  1. Over 200 persons losing their lives
  2. Over 900 persons suffering physical injuries
  3. About 2700 terrorized families being displaced from their homes as villages were engulfed in orgies of ethnic cleansing
  4. Over 1700 cases of arson in which over 300 business places and houses were completely destroyed by fire during wanton acts of terror
  5. Losses of over US$ 20 million in the local economy as opposed to an investment of US$2.2 million used to destabilize pre- Independence British Guiana according to U.S. declassified documents.
  6. The destruction of the Indo-Guyanese community at the adjoining villages of Wismar and Christianburg, where all 87 business premises and 215 homes owned and occupied by Indo-Guyanesewere deliberately destroyed by fire between 24th and 25th May 1964 followed by the evacuation of almost 3400 Indo- Guyanese persons under the protection of British military forces on 26th May 1964, exactly two years before Independence.

The IAC is of the view that the national economy is in rapid and serious decline with only the rice industry showing any progress and is calling upon all of the Parliamentarians to work together to reverse this dangerous trend.

The IAC joins with the political parties, religious bodies, trade unions and other civil society groups in the call for inclusion of Guyanese,in the drive towards economic development and prosperity.

The IAC is cognizant of the upsurge in crime within the past year and while recognizing that in Berbice there is a high amount of criminal activity perpetrated by persons of Indo-Guyanese origin against other persons of Indo-Guyanese origin;elsewhere there have been many brutal robberies on Indo- Guyanese business persons who have been deprived of hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, jewellery, electronic devices and vehicles by criminals.

The IAC also recognizes criminal activity impacting to a much lesser extent on other ethnicities.

Let us all resolve to realize the dream of our fore parents and Independence heroes and heroines to make our 52ndAnniversary a true national event. The IAC wishes all Guyanese citizens a Happy Independence Day.



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