APNU, AFC talks breakdown over selection of PM Candidate


The Alliance For Change (AFC) has confirmed that its negotiations with the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on a revised Cummingsburg Accord is “stalled.”

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday morning, AFC member, Dominic Gaskin also noted that the stalemate is as a result of lack of consensus on the selection of a Prime Ministerial Candidate for the March 2020 General and Regional Elections.

According to the Cummingsburg Accord signed in 2015 between the two parties to form the coalition, the AFC is responsible for the selection of the PM Candidate. The party at its meeting earlier this year selected Minister Khemraj Ramjattan to serve in this post.

However, the APNU is seeking to select a candidate of its own for the post.

The AFC will be holding its National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting on November 2 where Gaskin said the party will discuss “its participation in the upcoming elections.”

AFC Vice Chair and Minister of Public Telecommunications said the party joined the APNU to “rescue the country” in 2015.

Going forward, she said the AFC is willing to work with anyone committed to constitutional reform and the same principles of the party.

The AFC will be celebrating its 14th anniversary on October 29.

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