See below full statement issued by the APNU+AFC:
Recount process has uncovered evidence of massive electoral fraud affecting over 84,000 votes
What was uncovered throughout the recount process and magnified on Thursday June 4th, Friday June 5th, Saturday June 6th and Sunday June 7th nakedly exposed the smoking gun of the obscene People’s Progressive Party illegality on the East Coast of Demerara which is ‘the nest’ in perpetuating fraud on the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections.
Numerous sealed ballots boxes, exclusively in PPP stronghold areas, when opened, were missing all relevant documents legally required to legitimise the process.
The pattern is clear – where the APNU+AFC won, the documents are in the boxes, but where the PPP “won”, the documents are missing.
The votes which cannot be validated on the lower Easter Coast Demerara alone, amount to tens of thousands. These votes are bogus, fraudulent and cannot withstand scrutiny.
There is no option but for GECOM to reject all ballots, in all 10 districts, that cannot be validated.
What was uncovered in the ballot boxes from polling places on the lower East Coast Demerara was obscene and provides unequivocal and incontrovertible evidence that massive and systematic electoral fraud was unleashed on March 2nd.
Not only were the March 2nd elections tainted, but we now know, with certainty, that electoral fraud was committed in an effort to subvert the will of the Guyanese people. The perpetrators have committed a willful, egregious and heinous act against democratic values of Guyana.
As a result of these revelations and exposures there can only be one legitimate conclusion following the recount process. We now await to hear from the right-thinking people of Guyana and GECOM in that regard.
GECOM is put on notice that it cannot use illegal and fraudulent votes to produce a valid and acceptable result. Fraud cannot produce credibility.