Home Politics Squatters on GuySuCo ECD lands invited to meet Housing officials to apply...

Squatters on GuySuCo ECD lands invited to meet Housing officials to apply for houselot 

A section of the squatting settlement at Success, East Coast Demerara [Photo: News Room/September 30, 2020]

Persons who have been occupying lands south of the railway embankment, in the Vryheids Lust, Success, and Chateau Margot communities on the East Coast of Demerara are invited to initiate the process for land allocation.

The Ministry of Housing and Water will be hosting an exercise Wednesday, October 1, 2020, at the Chateau Margot Primary School geared at assisting these families in their quest for lawful homeownership.

Persons are invited to visit the venue, from 8:00h with a valid form of identification (passport or national identification card), proof or affidavit of income, TIN certificate, and marriage certificate if applicable. For persons with children below the age of 18, copies of their birth certificates are required.

Applications forms will also be available at the venue.

The Ministry is committed to facilitating this process as it is the first step in the direction of legally owning a plot of land from the agency.

For persons who have an existing application in the Ministry, if there is a need for updated information to be added, this will be facilitated as well.

The Ministry wishes to assure that all applications will be dealt with, in due process as they recognise the demand and the need for adequate housing as a basic human right.



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