Minibus reverses to pick up passenger, kills pedal cyclist at Enmore


A 60-year-old pedal cyclist was killed on Sunday afternoon after a minibus reversed into her path on the Enmore Public Road, East Coast Demerara.

Dead is Kallowtie Kishun of Cove and John, East Coast Demera.

Police said the bus was being driven by a 62-year-old resident of Golden Grove.

According to reports, the minibus was proceeding west along the southern side of the road with Kishun riding behind in the same direction. While the bus was reversing to pick up a passenger, Kishun attempted to swerve out of the way but the back of the bus collided with her.

As a result, she fell onto the road and was picked up in an unconscious condition and was transported in the same bus to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
Police investigations are ongoing.

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1 Comment
  1. Matthew says

    I have always detested the habits of bus drivers in reversing rapidly to “ketch” a fare. It is fraught with danger and now a lady is dead for a 100.00 dollar fare. The driver had to have overtaken the lady on her bicycle and then reversed straight into she. Like it or not this is vehicular homicide and while I feel sorry for all involved, I mainly feel sorry for the lady and her family.

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