See below full press release issued by the PNC/R:
The People’s National Congress Reform extends greetings to all Hindu devotees and to Guyanese citizens everywhere on the occasion of the joyous festival of Phagwah. Phagwah is an ancient observance that still has sacred and secular significance in present-day Guyana and is enjoyed by everyone.
Its sacred significance has been related through the ages by the stories of the trials and triumph of Prahalad which remind us, today, of the virtue of a steadfast belief in God and the eventual triumph of good over evil.
Phagwah’s secular significance rests in celebrating the regeneration of nature, the fertility of the land, and the bountiful harvest which it provides to mankind.
Phagwah’s social and cultural significance can be seen in the way that it has broken down the barriers of separation, suspicion, and insecurity in society. It is a festival of social cohesion that enriches the country’s multicultural character.
The People’s National Congress Reform, on this happy occasion, greets all Guyanese – regardless of their race, religion, region of residence, social rank, political persuasion or wealth – to eschew hatred and to contribute to the common good by strengthening social cohesion. Happy Phagwah!