Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine Monday lamented the pervasive garbage disposal problem in the capital city despite daily clean-up efforts by the City Council’s Solid Waste Department.
Last week, several vendors who ply their trade at the Bourda Market in Georgetown complained bitterly about businesses that dump their garbage in front of their stalls. This indiscriminate dumping, the vendors said, contributes to severe flooding.
Those vendors told the News Room that several complaints were lodged with the Mayor and City Council but nothing was done at the time.
The Mayor rejected this claim.
“The same day when I saw (the video of the garbage) on News Room, the Solid Waste Director was instructed to go and clear that place,” the Mayor told the News Room at his office.
“But little you may know, the next morning, it was the same thing and every morning it is the same thing.”
The Mayor said that the poor dumping of garbage is not confined to the Bourda market area but it has been observed in several parts of Georgetown, particularly in the business districts.
“The garbage issue is unbecoming in the city,” he lamented.
The Mayor also contended that the situation continues to be a challenge, despite the city council’s cleanup efforts because some local business owners and residents pay homeless people, who dwell in the streets, to dispose of the garbage.
These homeless people, he said, usually dispose of the garbage indiscriminately instead of utilising the bins and dumps provided for proper waste disposal.
“If you go down to Bourda market and Fogarty’s and all these other areas (like) Stabroek market, it’s a terrible condition and all these (homeless) people need special attention. I believe because of COVID-19 too,” the mayor contended.
Since the issue of poor garbage disposal in the city is a tremendous challenge, the Mayor said a multi-sectoral approach is needed to tackle the problem.
This approach, he said, should involve input from the City Council, central government, the business community and residents.