Home Crime Venezuelan nationals trapped in Alberttown apartment perish in fire

Venezuelan nationals trapped in Alberttown apartment perish in fire

Dead: 44-year-old Maria Benjamin (left) and 25-year-old Marialina Texidor Alonso

Two women, who are Venezuelan nationals, died after they were trapped in an apartment complex at Fifth Street, Alberttown, Georgetown, that was on fire.

The women have been identified as 25-year-old Marialina Txidor Alonso and 44- year-old Maria Alejandra Patrino Benjamin.

Fire Chief Kalamadeen Edoo told reporters at the scene that the Guyana Fire Service was informed of the fire at around 08:45 hrs on Thursday and immediately responded.

Upon arrival, he stated that it was observed that the first floor of the two-storey building was engulfed in flames.

He, however, said that it was difficult for firefighters to gain entry into the building because the complex was outfitted with metal grills.

“We had to break the door- the grill door and the wood door,” he explained.

The apartment complex where the two persons perished in the fire (Photo: News Room/ July 29, 2021)

Numerous residents in the area complained to the News Room that the initial set of firefighters who responded did not have tools to break the grill to gain entry to the building.

One man, who did not wish to provide his name, stated that one of the trapped women was heard screaming.

When the firefighters were finally able to gain entry, however, Chief Edoo said that one body was found lying on the bed while the other was found at the back of the building.

Fire Chief Kalamadeen Edoo (Photo: News Room/ July 29, 2021)

Edoo also related that a third person, who was trapped in the building and was initially thought to be dead, managed to escape without injuries.

The cause of the fire is not yet known. Investigations are ongoing.



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