Home Crime Commander Griffith demands justice for murdered Orin Boston, warns residents not ‘fully...

Commander Griffith demands justice for murdered Orin Boston, warns residents not ‘fully calm’

Regional Commander of Region Two, Woman Superintendent Denise Griffith wants justice for Orin Boston

Two months after the shooting death of Essequibo businessman Orin Boston by a member of the SWAT unit, Regional Commander, Woman Superintendent Denise Griffith is demanding that justice is served.

Following the shooting of Boston on September 15, 2021, during an anti-crime operation at his Dartmouth, Essequibo Coast house, residents began protesting, blocking the main bridge along the road and setting debris on fire.

According to Commander Griffith, the situation is not completely calm.

“The situation is not fully calm as I want it to be because the residents are still listening and hoping what is going to be the outcome,” Commander Griffith said during this week’s ‘Police and You’ Programme.

She explained that police ranks on the Essequibo Coast are reluctant to respond to crime reports in Dartmouth since the shooting incident.

Residents protested by burning debris on the main access bridge, preventing traffic from flowing

The senior police official said she made numerous visits to the family of Boston and had assured them that justice will be served. She said this is a major concern for the residents given that some time has elapsed and they are still awaiting the outcome of the investigation into the shooting.

“We all want justice to be served, we are looking for justice to be served in the right way and that is the key for me and that is what I keep assuring them and that is what I want to see, that justice is served,” Commander Griffith boldly stated.

The file pertaining to the investigation which was conducted by the Office of Professional Responsibility was forwarded to the Chairman of the Police Complaints Authority, Justice (ret’d) William Ramlall on September 23.

Boston’s wife, Feona had told the News Room that he was shot while he was asleep, disputing police reports that the shooting was as a result of a confrontation with the ranks.

The rank who shot Boston remains under close arrest.

On the night of the shooting, the SWAT unit was reportedly searching for prohibited items in Boston’s house although nothing illegal was found during the raids, Police Commissioner (ag) Nigel Hoppie had said during a media briefing.

Meanwhile, Commander Griffith said ranks are trained to only use their weapons when their lives are in danger. She said when a weapon is drawn, it must always be the last resort and when using it, ranks are also trained to “aim at the lower limbs and that at all time must be your last resort and that is what I preach to all my ranks at all levels.”

Further, the Commander said ranks are trained to use different tactics when confronted or attacked by civilians.

“Even if you are attacked and you discharge, was it justifiable? And that is always the question.

“Sometimes, things can get a little ugly but we have to exercise a lot of self-control and I am telling you from my personal experience as a police,” Commander Griffith said.

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