Bonasika family of 8 needs help to rebuild house after devastating fire


A Lower Bonasika, Essequibo River family is appealing for help after a fire destroyed their home on December 30, 2021. Joshua Gill, his wife, and their six children are hoping to rebuild their lives.

The family lost all of their personal belongings, household items and important documents.

Gill, who works as a farmer, told the News Room that on the day of the fire, he was at the farmlands with four of his children; his wife and other children later joined them.

Joshua Gill

While chopping some wood, Gill recalled that he saw thick black smoke and thought one of his children had ventured off and lit a fire. When he realised it was his house on fire, it was too late.

“I could not save anything and I just had to watch it burn,” Gill told the News Room.

The house after the fire

The father, who remains shaken from the ordeal, said he is thankful that no one was harmed. The family is now living in an abandoned house in the community.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha donated several items such as food and clothing to the family.

Persons willing to assist the family can contact Indrawattie Natram on +592 664 6794.

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