Home Crime Threats from overseas-based persons to be monitored via new police watch list

Threats from overseas-based persons to be monitored via new police watch list

Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn (Photo: Delano Williams)

Persons living overseas who publicly threaten the safety of residents here, via social media or other means, can be arrested when they come to Guyana.

This was related by Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn, who on Wednesday told the News Room that these persons are identified through a watch list that the government has formulated. The watchlist is being monitored by the police.

“We need to condemn those who may stand up [and say] – some of them or most of them in New York or someplace – and [say] Georgetown gone burn down, it is something which upsets me greatly,” Minister Benn said at the sidelines of an event on the East Bank of Demerara on Wednesday.

According to Benn, while these persons are safe overseas, they can put residents here at risk.

“They don’t live here, they don’t care and I am prepared to have them arrested when they come at the airport in Guyana or through whichever port,” Minister Benn stated firmly.

He explained that these outbursts of destroying developments here can create public terror.

Minister Benn pointed to several public buildings that were targeted in recent months and were destroyed after being maliciously set on fire.

“It could not be that we could carry a discussion or engagement on the leadership of Guyana on how we develop our communities if persons must suggest that we must burn the house down…we will not get anywhere,” Benn said.

Further, the minister said there has been a disturbing increase in the malicious setting of fires and acts of arson, but he emphasised this is not linked to threats from persons overseas.

“Some of the malicious settings of fire appear to be when the women folk get upset with the men for one reason or the other,” Benn explained.

To curb this trend, the Home Affairs said the police and community policing group will engage with persons who make such threats before they can commit the act.



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