‘Don’t worry, more jobs and disposable income coming’- President Ali tells opposition

- Rubbishes Norton’s criticism of employment initiative


President Dr. Irfaan Ali has rubbished claims emanating from the Opposition Leader’s office about the government’s countrywide employment initiative, assuring Guyanese that more relief measures will be rolled out for their benefit.

A statement issued on Thursday from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition claimed that the government’s employment initiative is just a front for political work done on behalf of the governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).

But President Ali said that is not the case.

“The employment programme was public, open and transparent and I assure you Guyanese of all walks of life, ethnicity, political, social and religious persuasion are part of this initiative,” President Ali stated.

This initiative, which sees several thousand Guyanese getting temporary jobs, was conceptualised as means of providing more disposable income to cushion the rising cost of living. It is also a tool to help stimulate the economy by injecting disposable income.

President Ali said that the narrative emanating from the Office of the Opposition Leader and Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton is one that is selfish and divisive.

Similar sentiments, he said, were issued when the government provided cash relief to various groups of people. Those efforts, he reminded the public, were classified as handouts.

Dr. Ali was keen on noting that the opposition, when in government, took actions that resulted in the loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry and among Guyana’s indigenous people.

And so, he said that his government wants to do better.

“Don’t worry, more jobs and disposable income are coming.”

“… let me just warn (them) to keep objecting because more jobs are coming, more disposable income and more benefits to the Guyanese people,” the Head of State assured.

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