Police are investigating an accident that occurred on Saturday afternoon that claimed the life of 44-year-old Anil Ramana, a baker of Logwood (Enmore) Squatting Area, East Coast Demerara.
According to a police press release, Ramanawas struck down on the Foulis Public Road, ECD by a motor pick-up attached to the Ministry of Public Works and driven by Denzil Mc Bean, a 30-year-old of ‘C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown.
Police said the government vehicle was proceeding west along the southern side of the road in a convoy which comprised four vehicles with flashlights and sirens when Ramana rode across the road from north to south.
Ramana collided with the pick-up (the third vehicle in the convoy) and his bicycle was flung into the path of motor car PAC 9344 driven by Dorynl Dublin, a 24-year-old of Haslington, East Coast Demerara.
The victim sustained injuries to his head and other parts of the body.
He was pronounced dead at the scene by Dr Etwaroo. The body was then escorted to Georgetown Public Hospital’s mortuary and is awaiting a Post Mortem Examination.
Both drivers were contacted at the scene and breathalyzer tests conducted on both of them showed 0% BAC Micograms.
The scene and the vehicles were photographed, and an investigation is in progress.