Women arrested, CCTV footage reviewed as family unsettled by businessman’s murder


Two women were arrested and CCTV cameras are being reviewed as Police investigators continue to probe the murder of Shimron Adams, the 41-year-old businessman who was shot dead on Monday night and robbed of his gold jewellery and a shoulder bag with his day’s earnings.

Family members confirmed Wednesday that the women were arrested by patrol ranks who responded to the sounds of gunshots.

The women were at the time reportedly attempting to get into Adam’s car while the two masked men who carried out the robbery/murder had already escaped.

The women were questioned but family members could not confirm their identity and said they remain unsure of whether they were known personally to the murdered man.

They were seen in his presence on the business premises at D’Urban and Chapel Street, Georgetown in the moments leading up to the ordeal.

In fact, while his sister, Shivon Adams, believes the motive was to rob, she also suspects her brother was set up.

“I heard that he was closing up the shop and the bandits came in, stick him and try to take his bag and he was fighting to hold it and they shot him.

“I heard two males and I heard he had some females at the shop liming,” Adams told the News Room.

Simron’s sister Shivon Adams (Photo: News Room/ December 28, 2022)

She could not confirm how well her brother knew the women.

“Normally I know everybody he knows. Females that he knows, I know. So, unless I get a picture of them or a name, I don’t know who they are.

“The night of the incident, the police officer told us that when they drive up, two girls were trying to get into his car and they got arrested.”

Shivon said she heard one of the women claiming that she had a relationship with her brother but said she cannot confirm it.

Shivon said she saw her brother Christmas morning and observed him playing with his son during the day.

He left home on Boxing Day for work but family members received the dreadful news around midnight of his demise.

The sister said the family is yet to chart a way forward.

“He was our center. He was the center for everything.

“He had planned to have a family day for my grandmother… we were to have it on New Year’s Day to bring all the family together,” she recalled.

Adams, she said, loved what he did and was committed to the business.

“He loved to work, everyday… he wanted a beer garden finish with the outside so be buy furnish and he did a shed. That was his Christmas wish.”

Police Headquarters in a statement noted that aaccording to a 29-year-old woman who shared an intimate relationship with Adams and was at the location when the incident occurred, he closed his business place at about 23:30hrs and started to pack items in a freezer.

The woman told the police that about ten minutes later, around 23:40 hrs, he opened a zinc shutter at the front of the business for them to go out.

At that point, two suspects reportedly entered the building through the shutter and ordered Adams and the woman to lie on the ground; they both compiled.

During a scuffle, the suspect who was armed with the firearm discharged a round at Adams which struck him to his right abdomen.

“They took a good person from us… He don’t give trouble, since growing up he never gave mommy no trouble. Scholl days he gave no trouble and even as an adult if he cuss you up now tomorrow he talk to you like nothing happened… he was nice person and always tried to help,” his sister recalled.

He leaves behind a 7-year-old son.

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1 Comment
  1. Matthew says

    Sadly the girls were involved or they would have been hollering for the police instead of trying to steal a dead mans car. Good police interrogation should have the names of their B____S______ associates.

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