Home Education CNOOC donates $4M to Christ Church Secondary School

CNOOC donates $4M to Christ Church Secondary School

President of CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited (CPGL), Liu Xiaoxiang presents the cheque to the Headmistress of Christ Church Secondary School, Sumanta Alleyne (Photo: News Room/March 15, 2023)

CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited (CPGL), one of the three joint venture partners in Guyana’s Stabroek offshore petroleum block, donated $4 million to Christ Church Secondary School on Wednesday.

On January 12, 2023, the Christ Church Secondary School was destroyed by fire displacing approximately 502 learners and 39 teachers.

The $4 million cheque was presented by the President of CPGL, Liu Xiaoxiang, to Headmistress Sumanta Alleyne during a special assembly of the students and staff at the school’s temporary location at the Cyril Potter College of Education, Turkeyen.

The donation from the Chinese Oil Company will help the school replace valuable equipment lost to the flames.

“Today’s donation is really timely and it’s going to help us as a school, as a ministry, to make our teachers and students more comfortable, because we do not want to lose any more students,” expressed a visibly emotional, Tiffany Harvey, Assistant Chief Education Officer at the Ministry of Education.

At the ceremony, Harvey announced that the school will be rebuilt at its original Camp and Middle Streets location.

Members of CNOOC Petroleum Guyana Limited (CPGL) hand over the $4M cheque to the Christ Church Secondary School PTA, Staff and the Assistant Chief Education Officer (Photo: News Room/March 15, 2023)

CPGL President, Liu Xiaoxiang recounted that the management and staff of his firm were touched by the tragic fire and are delighted to be of assistance.

He highlighted that the inspiration for the donation was rooted in the traditional Chinese conviction to come to the assistance of those in need, noting that the company is committed to the promotion of education in Guyana.

In thanking the administration of the school for its cooperation in accepting the donation, Mr. Liu expressed hope that the money would help to relieve the difficult circumstances facing the students and staff.

“We hope that CPGL’s donation today will help in some small way to replace some of your losses and rehabilitate your school. We hope that you will succeed in your studies and be a part of Guyana’s bright future,” he concluded.

Chen Xilai, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of China in Guyana, identified the donation as a good example of Chinese companies making contributions to the local community.

The Deputy Chief of Mission also shared that his country welcomes talented Guyanese students to study at world-class universities in China with the CPGL President indicating the company’s intention to subsidise scholarships for students studying oil and gas.

CPGL’s contribution also came in for praise and appreciation from the Secretary of the Board of Christ Church Secondary School, Odessa Debarros; PTA President, Loknauth and the Headmistress.

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