Home Sports Republic Bank is new Title Sponsor of CPL; tournament set for August...

Republic Bank is new Title Sponsor of CPL; tournament set for August 16 to September 24

Republic Bank has sponsored the CPL as the Official Banking Partner since 2015 (Photo: CPL)

Republic Bank Limited, the largest indigenous bank in the English-speaking Caribbean, has been announced as the new Title Sponsor and Official Bank of the Caribbean Premier League (CPL).

The announcement was made by CPL Chief Executive Officer, Pete Russell, in a press conference held on Wednesday morning in Port of Spain, Trinidad, to launch the 2023 season of the T20 cricket tournament.

  • Hero was the previous Title Sponsor of the CPL

Having previously sponsored the CPL as the Official Banking Partner since 2015, the Bank will now assume the League’s highest sponsorship profile for the next three years.

Republic Bank has also been confirmed as a partner for the Women’s Caribbean Premier League (WCPL), which will return in 2023 for its second edition. The WCPL sees the best female cricketers from across the region and around the world showcase their skills in front of a huge global audience.

Pete Russell (left), CEO of the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League, and Nigel Baptiste, Group President and Chief Executive Officer for the Republic Group celebrate the new partnership (Photo: CPL)

Pete Russell, CEO of the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League, said: “Republic Bank is the perfect partner for the CPL and WCPL, a company that shares our passion for cricket and Caribbean culture. The CPL is a driver of economic growth and the creation of jobs, so having a financial group like Republic Bank as the title sponsor makes perfect sense. In addition, Republic Bank has a great track record of spreading the love of cricket across the region, something that is important to all of us at the CPL.”

Nigel Baptiste, Group President and Chief Executive Officer for the Republic Group, said: “We are excited to be the Title Sponsor and Official Bank of the Caribbean Premier League. Cricket is hugely important to Caribbean heritage, culture, community and youth development and as the Caribbean’s largest sporting event and one of its most significant sport entertainment exports, the CPL demonstrates to the world the Caribbean’s capability and prowess, illustrates our talent and future potential, and showcases our joyous and incomparable spirit.”

As a result, the Bank deemed it essential as a Caribbean corporate citizen, with operations in fourteen (14) territories including CPL franchise countries, Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia and St. Kitts and Nevis to expand its partnership with the League.

The 2023 Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League will run from August 16 to September 24. This year will also see the return of the Women’s Caribbean Premier League. (CPL)




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