Man, 90, attacked by neighbour’s pitbulls


A 90-year-old man is now nursing injuries to his face and feet after he was attacked by four pitbulls on Tuesday.

Walter Taylor lives alone on Princes Street, Georgetown and managed to fight off the dogs.

“I come down every morning to open the back house to let breeze pass through and after I come down, four dogs attacked me and I started to run,” Mr Taylor told the News Room on Wednesday.

“Nobody ain’t rescue me, I had to get up and try because the gate was locked and nobody couldn’t come in.

“I got pepper spray I could’ve used but I didn’t walk with it,” the man stated.

The man lives in a fenced yard and the dogs are owned by his neighbour.

But this was not the first attack by the dogs. Mr Taylor explained that the dogs also jumped the fence a couple of weeks ago.

“…they building blocks over there so when they put the sand and blocks up the dogs does come over,” the elderly man stated.

He has been living on Princes Street since birth and says he will have to raise his fence to protect himself from the vicious dogs.

  1. habeeb says

    Those dogs should be put to death as VICIOUS DOGS, ATTACKING PEOPLE.
    If not, somebody lend this 90 year old senior citizen A GUN to shoot the dogs and kill them.
    Vicious animals like pit bulls have no right living among people, unchained, in leashes.

    1. Matthew says

      In a Country that had law and order the owner of the dogs would face charges………and the dogs unfortunately would be put down, when in fact the owner should be the one put down or at least forbidden from owning dogs.

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